The Best Kind Of Engraved Jewellery To Get

If you have seen an old piece of jewellery with interesting inscriptions on them, chances are you have been curious as to how some of them got to be there, especially the very detailed and intricately patterned ones. Maybe you might have even tried to search for β€œjewellery engraving near me’.

Engraving is an art that has been around for ages and ages, it’s been used to make all kinds of complex and beautiful pieces of jewellery, depending on the goal of the engraver and what the engravings are to say. As technology progressed, the technique of engraving also improved, such that now we have all kinds of jewellery engravings.

There are so many different kinds of personalised engraving jewellery; while some are vintage and quaint, others are fancy and modern, so how do you find the type of engraving that’s best for your kind of jewellery? Or how do you describe a kind of engraving to another engraver without knowing precisely what type it was?

If you ever wondered what type of jewellery engraving to get, then you might also be interested in the different methods of engraving jewellery.

Methods of Engraving Jewellery

1. HAND ENGRAVING: This is the oldest type of engraving method known to man, it is very laborious and is done by the most skilful and artisans with their tool that is usually very little.

The hand engraving jewellery method is not always perfect, because it’s handmade by man, it is mostly not as precise as the ones done with the new improved technologies we have today. However, so many people still prefer this type of engraving to the new ones because of the warmth and charming value that comes from knowing who made it and in appreciation of the excellent craftsmanship required for it.

Of all the kinds of engraving jewellery methods, there are, the personalised handwriting engraved jewellery is the most expensive, because of the skill and time it requires to get it done. This is mostly done for special occasions and the people you consider most special.

2. ROTARY MACHINE ENGRAVING: This style of graving is a lot more modern in comparison to the hand engraving method. It works by using a tool controlled by a special machine, this makes the process more seamless and the results a lot more precise.

When using a Rotary machine engraving, the desired design is inputted into a computer then sends signals to the tool that does the direct designing on your preferred jewellery. This style of engraving takes less time and requires less manual labour from the operator, thereby making it a lot cheaper than any other type of engraving.

One downside to this type of engraving is that it doesn’t work so well with heat-sensitive jewellery, this is because the heat that comes from the process can cause enough friction that has the potential to heat up the jewellery. This can damage any jewellery made of glass, plastic or precious stones.

So, when looking to get engraved silver jewellery, ensure you’re doing it with a compatible method, to avoid damage. The cheapest method doesn’t always mean the best method.

3. LASER ENGRAVING: Laser is the most advanced engraving tool and method on the market today, it is highly concentrated and very effective. A highly charged laser beam is the tool used for this process.

When using the laser beam, you can determine the width of the engravings on jewellery by adjusting the thickness of the beam, either by increasing or decreasing it, it all depends on your preference. You can also choose how deeply you want the engraving to be on the jewellery by strengthening the beam. This makes the engraving a lot sturdier and improves the texture.

One great thing about the Laser engraving method is that it is compatible with every type of material, glass, steel, including paper! So, you do not have to worry about any kind of damage to your choice of jewellery, and you can be assured to get an engraving that will stay for years and years to come.


1. INTAGLIOS: Engraved stones or gems are a rare find in the market, that’s why they are so precious and sought after. They were the highlight of the jewellery trend in ancient times, and they made a brief reappearance in the early 1800s. Timeless revival jewellery were in vogue then, and this is something you won’t easily find in the mainstream market now.

2. DECORATIVE JEWELLERY ENGRAVING: This is a common type of engraving, the one you find on the shoulders of every ring or bracelet. Most antiques and classical pieces of jewellery are for decoration and are usually done with the hand-engraving method, giving it a lot more value than most of the modern pieces.

3. INSCRIPTIONS: The popularity and use of engraving for inscriptions have continued to grow over the years, as more and more people feel the need to personalise something with a special element. It can either be a name, a wedding date, a location or words, inscriptions are a beautiful way to make something memorable. Inscriptions are mainly done with either laser or hand-engraving method, depending on your preference and pocket.


Pieces of jewellery are precious for various reasons, they can be a family heirloom, a rare stone or something that holds a lot of memories for a lot of people. There are a lot of ways to make these pieces of jewellery a lot more special, one of the most special ways is by engraving.

Depending on how much you are willing to spend, you can get any type of engraved jewellery from the Silver Store, that’s where you’ll find timeless pieces that will last you as long as possible without getting damaged.

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