Engraved Fingerprint Jewellery

The Silver Store can engrave fingerprints onto any of of our products from pendants, necklaces, bracelets, keyrings or cufflinks.

On the product of your choice click the pink β€œADD ENGRAVING” bar and then once the engraving design page loads click photo you will then be able to upload a JPEF or PNG the finger print.

To produce a finger print for engraving we suggest using an ink pad and pressing the finger onto the pad and then onto some white paper.

An alternative an ink pad is to get a soft lead pencil and heavily colour in a small space a little bigger than your finger. Then press your finger into the lead, lift up and press down onto a clean piece of paper. Just press down and lift straight up , don’t rub or you will smudge the fingerprint pattern. It can take a few goes testing out pressure, generally a light, firm pressure works well, press too hard and it will smudge also. Then take a photo of the fingerprint ready to engrave!

We can also engrave pet paw prints, hand or foot prints. Print engraving is one of our specialist engraving services along with photo engraving and handwriting engraving and heart beat engraving. Fingerprint engraving costs $25 in addition to the item you choose to engrave.

Email us below if you have any questions or need assistance.