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Engraving Ideas For Personalised Necklaces

View the video for some engraving ideas for personalised necklaces

Below the video we have a list of popular quotes for engraving.

Top 5 Ideas for Engraving

Necklaces, Pendants, and Bracelets

Popular Engraving Quotes

  • Best Friends
  • Friends Forever
  • Count on me
  • Shopping accomplice
  • You know me best
  • Friends wherever , whenever
  • I’ll marry you at 40
  • Partners In Crime
  • Sisters by Chance (engrave on other side) Friends by Choice.
  • With you it’s different / better
  • Love & luck
  • I / We love you to the moon & back
  • Forever YoursΒ  Β / Your Forever
  • I love you more than _____ (insert word eg chocolate )
  • Worth the wait
  • I Love You
  • Peas & Carrots
  • To love & be loved
  • The beginning of always
  • I’m crazy for you
  • I adore you
  • You are my best friend
  • I’d still pick you
  • If Nannas were flowers I’d pick you.Β  (Insert any favourite person eg Mums, Aunties, friends etc )
  • Always & forever
  • It’s always been you
  • 4 Ever
  • Dogs leave pawprints on your heart.Β  (insert any animal)
  • Horses leave hoofprints on your heart.
  • While I breathe I hope
  • Love Conquers All
  • Doing is better than saying
  • The only risk is not taking one
  • Dream
  • Hope
  • Dare to be remarkable
  • Live, Love, Laugh
  • Believe in yourself
  • Always close to your heart
  • You. Inspire. Me.
  • Carpe Diem
  • Learn from yesterday , live for today, hope for tomorrow
  • Thanks!
  • A million thanks
  • A small token
  • Words are not enough
  • Pay it forward
  • It means the world
  • Its a Boy / It’s a Girl
  • Congratulations
  • The future is yours
  • MVP
  • You Did It!
  • Always with you
  • Lost for now but loved forever
  • Forever in my hearts
  • Eternally loved
  • Until we meet again
  • You have left my life but you will never leave my heart.